NeuroMuscular Taping

€ 50,00
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Authors : David Blow ISBN : 9788870514179 Subscription magazine School subject : FISIOTERAPIA Publisher : Edi.Ermes License duration (days) :
Digital version of the book, no paper-based copy
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  • peso
    Book weight 145 MB
  • pagine
    Book pages 388
  • risorse
    Extra resources 9
  • liquid
    Liquid text No


A new application method and a different clinical reasoning compared to other types of taping and bandaging are the basis of the NeuroMuscular decompressive and compressive taping technique. To illustrate this innovative rehabilitation treatment, this book aims to answer these fundamental questions:

  • When is NeuroMuscular Taping applied?
  • How is it applied?
  • What clinical advantages does it offer?

The richly illustrated theoretical section explains the mechanism of action of NeuroMuscular Taping and the concepts of human anatomy and physiology on which it is based, as the proper application of this method requires a detailed knowledge of these concepts alongside the precise application of the tape on the muscle.

The practical section contains over 100 information sheets with more than 800 images that explain both the compressive and decompressive application techniques in detail. Particular attention is paid to applications for muscles and for major pathologies.

In order to make this book a proper working tool, each application is carefully explained and illustrated, step-by-step, including:

  • anatomical notes
  • muscle tests
  • clinical applications
  • combined applications.

The digital edition presents interactive indexes for a reasoned navigation among different clinical applications and 9 videos with live action sequences of practices.