Lymphatic Drainage

€ 65,00
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Autores : Didier Tomson, Christian Schuchhardt ISBN : 9788870514476 Revista de suscripción Asignatura : FISIOTERAPIA Editorial : Edi.Ermes Duración de la licencia (días) :
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    Tamaño libro 1 GB
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    Páginas libro 376
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    Recursos extra 28
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    Texto líquido No


Manual lymphatic drainage is a physiokinesitherapeutic method that offers a broad range of applications: it is proposed to assist the body’s natural lymphatic drainage through the network of lymphatic capillaries, lymphangiomas and main lymphatic vessels.
The authors, after describing the techniques of manual lymphatic drainage and their practical application, proceed with the description of the multilayer compression bandaging, decongestive exercises, therapeutic measures essential to the overall treatment of lymphedema, according to theories of E. Vodder and M. Földi.
In the first part of the book – Theory of the physical treatment of edemas – after a brief excursus, are provided the anatomical, physiological, pathophysiological and clinical basis needed to know the lymphatic system and its pathologies, with the goal of providing the necessary tools to develop an appropriate therapy.
In the second part of the book – Practice of the physical treatment of edemas – the rich iconography becomes an indispensable tool for illustrating the multilayered compression bandaging procedure, decongestive exercises, and manual lymphatic drainage techniques, with their practical application.
The volume is enriched by a video section - 28 videos - on manual lymph drainage and elastic compression bandaging techniques.